Day 10: Designing OS for ADHD and Taking a Lesson from Sports and Using it in Dev — Warming Up

Andrew Weisbeck
4 min readMar 21, 2022
My last two typing warmups — I probably averaged around 95 words a minute.

I love that I designed this blog for the easiest possible way for me to write.

Otherwise I would not be posting this many days this consecutively. Setting up your operation station is important for getting the most efficiency and consistent results. Had this been a WordPress content management system which has many distracting features, I would have posted the first three days, then maybe two months later, then maybe a year later… you get the idea.

Basically, my severe ADHD makes it very difficult to do something like this blog consistently. I have found that I have to design all of my systems to be easily accessible to use at any time and super simple with few features to use. Otherwise I spend all day dicking around with the features and never get content out or work done.

I love my current CMS or writing station. I really love to write, but find my productivity stifled by systems that have lots of shiny things for me to scatter off to. My current CMS, the NetlifyCMS is absolutely amazingly easy to set up and use for developers. Here is how beautiful and simple it is — the first picture is my blog writing area and the second is the dashboard when you login.

So simple, yet so efficient…

So simple. The only place to go — is the writing place! No extensions or anything to fuck off with.

So cool — check out my page I coded

And see how simple that all is to just hop on and write and create a blog post every day? I promise you, any other type of system and you would not be reading any of this right now. And of course, yes I can always add features on and will need to in the near future, but this is a good way to get established into a writing habit.

Oh, and the best part? I can create this for you for an affordable price! If you want your own personal blog like this, I will help create one at a very low price, depending on…



Andrew Weisbeck

Full-stack developer who LOVES making Jamstack websites. I just love everything about web dev really. Engaged and father to two kit-cats, and one special doggy.